Back in the 1980s, this writer’s mom became obsessed with Las Vegas. She flew in frequently from our hometown (north of Pittsburgh) and stayed at what was then the Imperial Palace (now Linq Hotel). As I recall, she and her second husband rarely left the Palace, as it offered everything she came to Sin City for.
Westgate Las Vegas Shows.

In that era, tourists longed for gambling, kitschy decor, “Dealertainers”, generous comps, buffets, lounge music, and shows. Oh, how Rosie praised the shows. It wasn’t unusual for her to be greeted by name when taking the hotel’s limo, which whisked her and Tony to the resort’s VIP check-in. After a whirlwind time, the happy couple headed home, quite often with a depleted discretionary account but smiles on their faces.
A lot has changed since everyday people were treated like royalty in Las Vegas. That is…unless you know where to go. A few casino hotels still deliver the goods that made them great, and Westgate Las Vegas is the King on that front. By continuing to offer a cornucopia of classic entertainment, the home of Elvis prides itself on being the center of “Legendary Vegas Fun”.